Inter-Union Commission for the History and Philosophy of Physics


IUPAP Early Career Prize in History of Physics 


The IUCHPP is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the inaugural Early Career Prize in the History of Physics. The prize recognises outstanding contributions to the areas within the remit of the Commission. These areas include: 

We encourage nominations of early career historians of physics in the broadest sense: early career scholars from around the world, including those who may have followed non-traditional career paths, who may have overcome funding difficulties and/or contributed to forming communities at their institutions or in their home countries.  

Nominations can be made for any early career scholar (PhD received within the past 8 years) working on the history of physics broadly construed. No self-nominations are permitted. 

The Prize

The prize will include 1000 Euros and a medal from the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), awarded by the IUCHPP at the Fifth Biennial Early-Career Conference for Historians of the Physical Sciences, which will be held in Copenhagen from August 31 to September 3, 2023 (  

The winner will be invited to deliver a talk at the Early Career conference.


The commission will consider nominees with PhD dates after Jan 1st, 2015, for the 2023 prize.

How to Nominate

Nominations should be sent in a single PDF file named Surname.pdf including:

Nominations must be sent to   

The deadline for submissions of nominations is February 28, 2023.